![]() Often, fairness is all a person charged with DUI needs to prevail. Not every case needs to be resolved in a trial. Some cases should be dismissed. Some can be resolved in a plea. Unfortunately, in Oregon, a DUI case cannot be "pled down" to a lesser charge. While our neighboring states frequently offer a lesser charge of "wet reckless," as an alternative to a DUI, this option isn't available in Oregon. And, in Oregon, diversion often is an unattractive option for many because it requires a person charged with a DUI to admit that he or she committed a crime. After a person enters diversion, the record of the arrest and the guilty plea to the DUI can never be expunged. For many professionals, including commercial drivers, pilots, military personnel, and others, a record of a DUI diversion is not an acceptable option. For these reasons and others, there are many who experience the unfairness of having a permanent, criminal record for a first-offense DUI. Sometimes, the only way to make the system work fairly is to take a case to trial. Juries are bound by the law to presume a defendant's innocence. At trial, a defendant has the right to confront witnesses and the force the government to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt. Evidence can be excluded if it was obtained by police improperly or unlawfully. These are the protections guaranteed by the United States Constitution. Comments are closed.
DUI IndexCopyright 2025 What to Do After a DUI Arrest The Judge Will Order You to Report to the Jail Diversion Isn't Always Your Best Choice More About Diversion What If You Didn't Do Anything Wrong? Cannabis and DUI Dismissals, Pleas and Jury Trials DUI Cases Not Limited to 'Drunk Driving' Additional Charges Follow When a DUI Results in Death Cannabis Levels and Driving Suspension May Follow DUI One DUI Arrest Changes Everything You May Save Your License Police Seek to Prove Impairment from Cannabis Fines and Fees Follow Convictions A Breath Test Is Not the Last Word Marijuana and DUI DUI Can Affect Jobs and Careers DUI Attorneys Review Professional Licensing Rules Felonies and Misdemeanors Carry Jail Terms Do Not Enter a Guilty Plea at Your First Court Appearance It's a Mistake to Plead Guilty at Your First Court Appearance Home Detention Updated It's Normal to Not Know What to Do DUI Can Lead to Loss of License DMV Implied Consent Suspension DUI Conviction May Mean Jail Drinking Boaters Drowning in a Deluge of Laws