The court imposes fines and fees, in addition to jail time, when a person is convicted of DUI.
A person convicted of a misdemeanor DUI can expect a $1,000 fine for a first conviction, $1,500 for a second conviction, and felony treatment on a third conviction. If a person chooses to avoid a conviction by entering into the court-sponsored program, such as DUI diversion, there will be a $490 fee for entry into the DUI diversion program. Whether the court imposes a conventional sentence or orders an "alternative" treatment program, defendants generally pay fees for lots of services, such as evaluations at Community Justice, alcohol and drug treatment and classes, "blow-and-go" devices for their cars, higher insurance rates, and other, ongoing costs. For example, to go into DUI diversion, in addition to the "program" fee of $490 at the court, there's an "evaluation" fee of $150 at the Community Justice office. Then there's another $25 fee at the "victim impact panel," which is a Mothers Against Drunk Driving program that people convicted of DUI or go on diversion are required to attend. Everyone who is convicted or enters a plea to get into diversion, will have to report to the payment window at the courthouse. Then, there will be a visit to Community Justice, where defendants are asked to fill out some forms and schedule an alcohol and drug evaluation. If the judge orders jail time, this is the office where applications for home detention are filed. Comments are closed.
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